Monday, August 2, 2010

my place and yours

my place and yours

This week's theme is green.

So here is a picture of the lovely green cactus that takes residence on my work desk - which is (sadly) the place that I spend the most time each day.  He nicely tolerates the temperamental air-conditioning and very infrequent watering.  He gets lots of lovely morning sun.

Check out some more green things over at helloowl 


  1. i love succulents..they're so hardy & low-care. yours is a beauty!

  2. Oh, I forgot to include my aloe vera plant in my green page. Your cactus reminded me!xx

  3. Looks green and healthy. My cactus never survived my green thumb.

  4. Looks gorgeous! I have a red knobby one too at work :)

  5. My green thumb is non existent - I even kill cacti! Well done for keeping yours alive.

  6. The green cactus is awesome especially with the red contrasting part.


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